Do you let your child select their own outfits ?

Do you let your child select their own outfits ?

In our increasingly digital world, it's important to give children the opportunity to express themselves through fashion.

The way we dress has always been an important way for people to communicate their values and identities, but now that we use computers for most of our interactions, clothing is just one of many ways that kids can share who they are. As a result, it's crucial that parents allow their children to pick out their own clothes and make their own fashion choices so they can learn how to do so in a safe environment.

This doesn't mean you need to let your child wear whatever they want—but you should be open-minded about letting them choose from a range of options. If you disagree with their choices or don't think something looks good on them, talk about why instead of simply saying no. This will help them develop critical thinking skills later on in life when it comes time for them to make difficult decisions about what kind of person they want to be!

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